When it comes to acne, having an effective skincare routine can be an absolute game-changer for dealing with those pesky breakouts. Acne is a very common skin concern that affects so many of us, regardless of age or skin type. So before we get into it, the first step is to remember that you’re not alone. With the right approach and skincare routine, you’ll be able to tackle acne head-on and achieve a flawsome complexion (that’s right, flawSOME, not flawless we don’t preach unattainable beauty standards around here).

The good news is that there are actually plenty of ways to manage acne, *cough* tbh Skincare *cough*. And keeping up a good skincare routine specifically targeted to fighting breakouts can help keep your skin healthy and prevent acne. 

Consider this your guide to managing acne, we’ll spill all the tea on how to treat your breakouts and even how you can try and prevent future flare-ups. Contrary to how many of us have been brought up to think about skincare for acne (targeting with as many actives as possible and punishing it into behaving), we approach things differently with tbh! It’s about effective treatment products, balanced with much needed nourishing maintenance products, to maintain happy and healthy skin! Get your pen and paper out, and get ready to take notes because you're about to become a skincare guru!

Understanding acne: What is it, the causes and duration

What is acne?

Acne can occur on any part of your skin, most commonly on your face, neck, back, and chest. Breakouts form when the pores in your skin become clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria. This causes acne to form on the skin. 

There are a few variations of acne, and they all range in severity, and require different treatments. Some types include: 


Ah, those sneaky little ones that love to set up camp around your nose, tempting you to go for the ultimate pore strip experience you've seen on TV (ouch!). Now, we're definitely not endorsing the strip-and-rip approach (ouch again!), but let's be real, we've all been there, right?    Blackheads are actually open comedones and occur when the pore is clogged by oil and dead skin cells. Despite the pore being blocked, the pore remains open, resulting in its visible black colour. 


Those tiny troublemakers that sit right on the surface of your skin and like to make surprise appearances, looking like little white bumps that just beg to be squeezed. We totally get it, the temptation is real. Whiteheads are closed comedones and, like blackheads, can also result from excess oil and dead skin cells clogging the pores. However, what makes them different is that unlike blackheads, the opening of the pore closes up, creating a small bump that protrudes from the skin. Before you embark on a popping party, take a step back from the mirror and let’s think about a smarter approach!


Ah, the heavyweight champions of the acne world. These deep-seated bumps are like the silent ninjas of the skin, lurking beneath the surface and causing frustration. They're the ones that make you want to go full-on ninja warrior and karate chop them out of existence (again we don’t recommend this). Nodules sit deeper beneath the surface of the skin and are the result of clogged and swollen pores that experience additional irritation, causing them to expand in size. 


Cystic acne is like that unwanted guest who overstays their welcome and brings the whole party down. These deep, painful, and inflamed bumps are a force to be reckoned with. Cysts are hard, painful bumps that occur when oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells clog pores deep below the surface of the skin. This is a more severe kind of acne.

What are the causes of acne?

It’s important to keep in mind that it’s completely normal for some of us to be more susceptible to developing acne compared to others. There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of acne. These include: 

  • Hormonal changes (e.g. puberty, your menstrual cycle, pregnancy) 
  • Genetics
  • Environmental factors (e.g. air pollution, sun exposure, humidity)
  • Lifestyle habits (e.g. stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet)
  • Irritation or reaction to a product or fabric (e.g. cleansers or moisturisers with a high oil percentage) 

For more info on acne-prone skin, read here.

How long does acne last?

Acne is most common in your teenage years (14-19 years old) due to hormonal fluctuations occurring in your body. While acne can come and go throughout the years, symptoms typically start reducing by your mid-20s. However, acne is becoming increasingly cross generational, and cases of adult acne are on the rise. Acne that persists beyond your 20s is referred to as 'adult acne' or 'hormonal acne'. 

For more info on adult acne, read here

While most breakouts have a natural cycle of their own and will most commonly disappear within 1-2 weeks (if they are more on the mild side), there are those stubborn ones that delve beneath the surface and demand more time and attention. We’re talking about the deeper pimples, such as cysts and nodules, they may take longer to go away and require a more specialised treatment. 

The good news is, we’re here to help make those sore spots a little less persistent in your life!  We truly understand the emotional toll that acne can have on your confidence. It's not easy facing the world when you're experiencing a breakout, and we want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. 

How do I create an effective skincare routine to treat my acne?

Step 1: Cleanse 

The first step in your skincare routine is to cleanse your face! If you are experiencing breakouts, we recommend being gentle when washing your face and using a cleanser suited for acne-prone skin twice a day (morning and night). We highly suggest using our anti-bacterial cleanser, which effectively fights bacteria that causes breakouts and removes unwanted congestion. No need for any physical elbow grease because this formula really gets in there and fights that congestion for you!

For more info on how to properly cleanse your skin, read here

Step 2: Spot treatment 

After cleansing at night, allow your skin to dry, and then apply the acne hack spot treatment on active breakouts. Allow the product to rest on the skin for 5 minutes, to ensure proper absorption before layering any other products on top.

This is a PM only step, so let's take it slow and steady. We don't want to overwhelm your skin. Depending on your skin’s sensitivity, it's a good idea to introduce this product gradually into your routine. Start by applying it once every second day, and then gradually increase usage from there. Remember, it's all about finding the right balance for your skin. So take your time, listen to your skin! 

Step 3: Rebound Serum

Once the spot treatment has soaked into the skin, we recommend applying your thinnest products first, aka your serums. Of course, we suggest applying our rebound serum morning and night, a barrier support serum that works to reduce redness and calm damaged, angry skin. 

Step 4: Moisturise  

If you have acne, you might believe that using a moisturiser is unnecessary and that it could potentially worsen your acne. However, this is, in fact, beyond FALSE! Your choice of moisturiser and the amount you apply to your skin actually plays a massive role in how your skin reacts. Moisturising is essential, even for those with acne, so we recommend using a 10-cent piece-sized amount of a simple, lightweight moisturiser in the morning and night, such as our thirst trap moisturiser. It effectively hydrates the skin with a combination of glycerin, pentavitin, sodium PCA, and genencare. Additionally, it offers barrier support through the inclusion of pentavitin, amino acids, squalane, apricot kernel oil, jojoba esters, olive oil, and vitamin E.

Step 5: SPF 

Sun protection is crucial for everyone, if that wasn’t already front page news! As we’re all aware, sun exposure can cause inflammation and damage to the skin, which in turn can lead to more breakouts.  When choosing an SPF for acne-prone skin, it is important to select a sunscreen that is oil-free in order to avoid clogging your pores. We suggest applying a minimum of a quarter of a teaspoon of sunscreen to your fingertips and gently massaging it onto your skin every morning as the final step of your skincare routine. Our skin shady SPF 50+ is an oil-free, non-greasy sunscreen that is super lightweight and breakout friendly. It also sits really well underneath makeup, which is a bonus!

What are the benefits of having an effective skincare routine?

Having a skincare routine is like giving your skin a daily dose of love and care. It's not just about slathering on products it's about creating a ritual that nourishes and protects your skin in the best possible way. The benefits are abundant! Having an effective skincare routine can not only help manage acne but also enhance its natural flawsomeness. 

It’s a helpful self care exercise!

The benefits of an effective routine extend beyond physical results and delve into the realm of selfcare! When you dedicate part of your day to a ritual just for you that you enjoy, it can help to create a sense of confidence and enhances your overall well-being.

Prevents skin issues (not just breakouts!)

By establishing a consistent and thoughtful skincare routine, you can be proactive in preventing a range of skin issues from taking centre stage. Whether it's stubborn breakouts, unwanted hyperpigmentation, or bothersome sensitivity, introducing products and practises into your routine can serve as a shield, keeping potential problems at bay. With a well-rounded skincare routine, you'll be well-equipped to maintain a healthy and radiant complexion for the long haul.

Promotes a youthful appearance and reduces signs of ageing 

An effective skincare routine can do wonders for keeping that skin youthful and bouncy (well, as bouncy as gravity allows, I guess…). By incorporating ingredients and techniques that address specific concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness, you can minimise the visible signs of ageing and achieve a smoother, plumper complexion. 

Side note: applying SPF daily is the best anti-ageing strategy 

Enhances skin texture and skin hydration

Having a consistent and well-executed skincare routine, can help you wave goodbye to rough and uneven texture, and say hello to a smooth and refined complexion. By incorporating gentle exfoliation to slough off dead skin cells, hydrating serums to quench your skin's thirst, and targeted treatments to address specific concerns, you'll be amazed at the remarkable improvements in your skin's texture. 

How do I prevent acne naturally? 

While treating acne is important, preventing future breakouts is equally helpful. Introducing a few habits can significantly reduce the likelihood of acne flare-ups. Here are some tips to help you prevent acne:

Keep your hands off your face! 

Touching your face can transfer bacteria and irritate your skin, leading to breakouts and acne. Resist the temptation!

Maintain a consistent skincare routine

As we’ve now mentioned countless times, being consistent with your skincare routine keeps your skin clean, balanced, and free from excess oil, dirt, and bacteria (YAY!).

Managing stress levels 

When you are stressed, your body produces cortisol, leading to increased oil production that can then cause breakouts. Now, we can’t all de-stress by laying on a beach in Positano, so we’ll suggest a few alternatives to help you practise stress management. Techniques such as meditation and yoga can majorly help reduce your stress levels! 

Eat a balanced diet 

Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help promote healthier skin from the inside out. To maintain a flawsome complexion, incorporate foods high in antioxidants and vitamins, such as berries, leafy greens, and fish.

Be patient and remember you can’t punish your skin into healing! 

Seeing noticeable results from your skincare routine may take some time, so remember to remain patient and consistent. It's important to remind yourself that acne won't last forever. So, keep your spirits high and believe in the power of self-love and healing. You are beautiful, both inside and out, with or without breakouts.

So, how can you create an effective skincare routine to manage your acne? Let’s hope we’ve helped you find the answer to this one. Just a quick reminder that building an effective skincare routine to manage acne is no easy feat, but by understanding the ins and outs of acne, how to treat it, and how to prevent future breakouts, you can take small steps to feel more in sync with your skin. Remember to be patient! And when those moments of doubt creep in, remember to be kind to yourself and always keep in mind that you’re flawsome, with or without breakouts.